Excuses for Not Going to Counseling

Excuses for Not Going to Counseling

Excuses for Not Going to Counseling

First of all, thank you for researching counseling and mental health. We know millions struggle with the various complexities of life, and there can be a taboo around finding help. We want you to feel encouraged to seek help and know that, just like with our physical body, sometimes our thoughts and feelings benefit from the support of a professional. Counseling helps us navigate overpowering thoughts, understand them better, and develop awareness when we’re feeling down. Taking action to help your mind is healthy, and no matter the reason you have found yourself here, we are honored to provide a safe, protected environment for your growth.

So Why Doesn’t Everyone Get Counseling?

Seeking help might be logical, but it can also be very vulnerable. For many, it’s difficult to express a need for help. Especially when inside our minds, the unknown can be scary. Sometimes scarier than keeping our head down and “dealing with it.” Giving your mental health attention requires an element of bravery, and we find that those in the pursuit of counseling are braver than they realize.

Below are the top excuses for not going to therapy. Do any of these sound familiar to you? While reading on, we recommend noting which you identify with and exploring solutions to get you through the door. We believe fully that the power of counseling will bring about a positive change in your life.

Excuse 1: I Can Work Through This Myself

Society celebrates our external work and what we do in the physical world. We are proud to pull ourselves up by our bootstraps and be self-sufficient, sometimes, no matter the cost. We delegate and collaborate to build a better world, but when obstacles and relationships take a stressful toll, who do we rely on? Sometimes our internal struggle requires a well-trained professional to help us look within. Counseling offers steps that lead us toward understanding, creating a space to be mindful and discover safe mental health opportunities.

Excuse 2: Counseling is Expensive

As mental health becomes a more significant priority, many counselors have opted for insurance networks that can help cut costs significantly. It is vital that you connect with your counselor and have a positive rapport with them. If they are not within your insurance network, speak to your representative about an out-of-network discount or other options they may provide. Counseling isn’t limited to your local therapists anymore either. You can sign up for excellent services through apps on your smart device that offers counseling through text or video at a fraction of the cost.

Excuse 3: I Do Not Have Time

Groceries, cooking, housekeeping, family, work, bills…there are unlimited ways to stay busy with our day. We know how it feels. We also know that if you can dedicate just a tiny amount of time to serving yourself with counseling, the benefits will be clear and of high value. In a post-pandemic world, most counselors provide access through video chat and text that allow you the freedom to stay in the comfort of your own home—saving precious time and money driving to meet in person. Don’t let the excuse of time stop you from getting help.

Excuse 4: Counseling is Only for Severe Cases or Mental Illness

This is one of the largest stigmas surrounding counseling. It is not limited to those in dire situations or with clinical mental illness; it is designed for all. Many, if not most, of the people you interact with daily could benefit from counseling. Let’s face it, life is complicated, and though good friends can lend a kind ear from time to time, it is a challenge to find someone better suited to support you than a licensed, trained therapist. Going to the gym isn’t reserved for Olympians, don’t let your mental fitness suffer from this dated falsehood.

Excuse 5: Counseling Didn’t Work for Them, Why Would It Work for Me?

It’s tough when someone you trust doesn’t see the benefits of counseling as clearly as others. Logistically speaking, with counseling, you get what you give. It’s a mutual relationship that requires work and commitment. People with the sense that it “didn’t work” typically haven’t been able to commit to growth and listen to the counselor. Just like with a physical trainer at the gym. How can you expect results if you eat fattening food and skip workouts? We want to encourage you to work with your counselor and find a plan you can commit to.

What Should You Look for In a Counselor?

A positive rapport and trusting relationship are critical. Listen to your instincts, and don’t get discouraged if your first pairing isn’t the best one for you. Many counselors are eager to meet and support you in your mental health journey. If any of the former excuses sneak into your mind, take a deep breath and try to let go of the excuse. The benefits will outweigh the unknowns.

Building counseling into your weekly routine will help you stay consistent and on track. Remember that you are worth it. What brought you here may feel small compared to others or too much to burden someone else with. Another deep breath and another reminder that counseling is for everyone, and we welcome you to the journey towards mental peace. You are worth the work and commitment, and no one can take the next step except for you.

Ready to Stop Making Excuses?

No matter where you might be in your journey, Salt Therapy and Wellness is here to help guide you through the challenging circumstances you are facing. Our qualified and compassionate therapists have virtual sessions available to help new clients in Oklahoma get started on their path as soon as possible. Call today or reach out to us to schedule your consultation or learn more about our services. Contact us or call (918) 630-2971


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